
Rejection! Everybody has experienced rejection. What do you do about your experiences of rejection, your feelings of rejection? The spirit of rejection wants you to be drawn farther and farther away from Me. Wants to instill in you a place that you would say or feel that I, the Lord your God, have rejected you. There's parts of you that would know I have not rejected you. But those hidden or not so hidden parts feel rejected, feel rejected by the many things that have happened to them in the world, many things that have happened to you in the world. And wherever there is rejection within you, you in turn will operate in that rejection towards others. The spirit of rejection is at work. Bring it to Me. Ask Me to show you the deep roots of rejection that have occurred in your life, that possibly have turned to bitterness and caused you to back away from so many things that I set before you to bring you life. Challenge, in the name of Jesus, the spirit of rejection. You already have the victory! Take it! Claim it! Walk it out! Walk out your salvation!


Seasons of Time

