Your Ministry Will Never End
The ministry I’ve called you to may have many forms, but one thing for sure is that it will never end until the day We are…
In the Chaos
In every chaos there is a point of stillness. You are that point of stillness when you draw on…
Discern Truth
The one who speaks loudly is not necessarily speaking Truth. The one who speaks gently is not necessarily speaking the Truth. You must…
Give Correction in Love
Don’t let others get away with things that are not okay. And that's not a judgement on your part. But according to...
Don’t Hammer
Hammering somebody with My Word is not the way to go. For that is not done in love. It is done in force. It is done in power over another. I do not...
Rest in Me
Rest in Me. When you find yourself tired, it could very well be because you were busy doing things that you wanted to do or you thought were...
Work in Tandem
Work in your ministry in tandem. The disciples were sent out two by two. I send you out two by two. The only way...
New Opportunities
There are new openings for you to minister coming your way, for I Am opening the doors as I see the growth you are having in Me. I Am preparing...
Some Things Wither and Die
Some things wither and die out of neglect. Neglect by themselves. Neglect by others. Some things wither away and die because they need...
Don’t Hide Your Talents and Gifts
Don’t hide away your talents, your gifts. Express them! Express them in every way you have opportunity. You are to…
I Am for You
When others come against you, respond with mercy. For you know that others may be…
Nothing is Happening
Have you said to yourself, “I’ve just been trying so hard and nothing seems to be happening.” Well maybe you should think that if you are…
Mind My Business
You have likely heard others say, or you’ve said yourself, “I’m just going along, minding my own business.” Well I would say to them and to you…
Listen to My Spirit
Not all the thundering and lightning that you hear and see is Me moving. It is the Spirit within you that will…
Walk The Path of Life
When I have spoken a direction for you to go, as you go, what you see seems to contradict the…
Run the Race
You say, "The winners are the ones who come in first!" I say the winners are…
I Have Given You Time
Time! I've given you, and will give you, enough Time to finish what I've called you to do. So the Time is…
In a Twinkling of an Eye
In a twinkling of an eye, My resounding voice will move through the heavens and earth. And My people will receive their glorified bodies and be…
Finish What You Start
When you start something, finish it. Don't leave it half undone. Many people are very eager to start something, but very quickly they…
Give Unconditionally
When you give unconditionally, you're in a position to not expect anything in return. When you give kindness unconditionally, you're not…