Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
Do not ask Me for new revelation until you’ve walked in the revelation I’ve already given to you. For if you…
Don’t Run Away
Don’t run away with your tail between your legs anytime evil stands against you. Instead, rise up in My Power within you and…
Things Lurking in the Shadows
There are things lurking in the shadows that you need to be aware of, but not afraid of. For I've given you the authority over every evil. But unless you are aware, you will not know when to…
Evil Plays Games
Evil plays games with you. Play games with your mind, with your emotions, with your…
There are Snakes Among You
There are snakes among you. Some are very easy to see, for they stand against Me in everything they do or say. Sometimes they say the right thing, but there's a…
Use the Right Remedy
Use the right remedy for the situation. When you are being tempted by the devil, then stand against him with the Word, just as…
Hard Knocks are Coming
'Hard knocks' are coming. You don't need to be concerned about the 'hard knocks.' You need to be concerned about…
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