Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
A Good Way to Start Your Day
When you wake up in the morning, do you speak with Me? Do you honour Me? Do you praise Me? Do you share your heart with…
The Power of Prayer
When you are led by the Spirit to pray, your prayers may be silent or whispers or speaking or loud speaking boldly. But you can also…
Effective Prayer
Effective prayer needs to flow from your heart, from your heart of compassion. When you think of someone, if you're carrying offence, unforgiveness, (anything that's there that's causing…
Let Compassion Inform Your Prayer
When you pray, let compassion inform your prayer. Let compassion flow from you as you pray words of…
Pray That You Receive Truth
When you hear the Word of the Lord being taught, don't blindly accept what you hear, but pray that your…
When You Pray Listen for My Response
When you pray, listen. Listen for My response. Listen for My still small voice. To hear, you must first be silent. Silence then opens the space for…
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