Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
Do not ask Me for new revelation until you’ve walked in the revelation I’ve already given to you. For if you…
Humble Yourself Before Me
Humble yourself before Me. Humble yourself daily. It should be the first thing that you do upon waking. I should be your first…
By My Spirit in You
My Word goes forth and doesn’t come back void. It is not based on the loudness that you speak or the quietness in which you speak. It is only by My Spirit. You need to…
Feign of Heart
This is not the time for the feign of heart, for you need to be courageous in Me. Stand bold! Go where I call you to go! And know that…
Walk with Awareness
Walk with awareness. Aware of where you are. Aware of how you are. Aware of who you are in Me. When you walk in…
Peace I Give to You
Yes, peace I give to you. Peace I give to you. But you play a role in receiving peace. For you to receive My peace you have to…
Rest In Me
Rest, My People! Rest in knowing that I see all. I know all. I have a plan for all. Rest. Rest in Me. Do not be discouraged. Do not be…
Rocks and Vines
There are many rocks and vines along your path, but don’t let that discourage you. For I have given you the tools to…
Answers to Questions
Sometimes you're looking for answers, but it’s not time for Me to give you the answer. So much is in My…
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