Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
Go Fast or Stop
Some people go fast when they tell themselves to go fast. And some people go slow when they tell themselves to go slow. It doesn't work. That is not how to…
Remember Me
Remember Me! For I came to set you free! I came to release you from the power of death and give you everlasting life. I came to…
A Good Way to Start Your Day
When you wake up in the morning, do you speak with Me? Do you honour Me? Do you praise Me? Do you share your heart with…
Power of Love
When you are truly moving from a place of love (the Spirit of love within you moving out to others) that power of…
The Power of Prayer
When you are led by the Spirit to pray, your prayers may be silent or whispers or speaking or loud speaking boldly. But you can also…
I Do What I Say I Will Do
When you see what I’ve told you will happen, happened, then you pause in awe and…
Keep Your Nose to the Ground
Keep your nose to the ground so that you will become very aware of subtle changes and be able to…
Peace I Give to You
Peace I give to you. Therefore you already have peace. So why are you not experiencing peace? It is because you are paying attention to…