Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
When Your Feet are Heavy
When your feet feel so heavy that you don't think you can move, then look up to Me. Lift your eyes up and speak praises to Me. Don't just think them. Speak them. For when you…
All from the Heart
When you give thanks, give thanks from a grateful heart. From your heart give thanks. When you…
I Always Hear Your Thankfulness
I want you to remember My Children that even when you whisper so quietly your…
Worship in Truth and Spirit
Soon, very soon, more people will be Worshipping Me in Truth and Spirit because more people will…
Jump for Joy
Jump for Joy, for the Lord has come! Let your voice resound from your heart into the Heavens! For when it moves from…
It is Time to Praise Me
It is time to Praise Me. It is time to Praise your Lord, the King of Kings. It is time. It is always time to Praise Me. And yet I speak, "It is time now," for I see many of My People are…
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