Word for September 17th, 2021


Worry, worry, worry! You worry about this, you worry about that, you worry about the other thing and then you go back to the first thing and you worry about it again. I've called you to have peace, to be peaceful, to be waiting for Me, to be resting in Who I Am and know that I Am at work in all situations. So stop worrying. Use the power of your mind to focus on My Word and the things that I have spoken directly to you, for that is life. Look no where else! Stop worrying! I even find you worrying about things that are of Me; striving, worrying and not resting. Resting and believing, having faith, trusting Me, trusting that I love You...I Am showing you the Way! I Am teaching you. I Am raising you up higher and higher and as I do that you will 'see and know' more, 'see and know' more, 'see and know' more. So much more!


Holy Laughter


Don't Let Your Idle Chatter Steal My Thunder!