I Come to Rescue You in Many Ways
Word for May 26th, 2022
When you call on Me to rescue you, how is it you're expecting Me to come? I come in many ways. Sometimes it's through a stranger that just speaks something to you. They don't even understand the meaning of what it has for you in your life, but it touches you. It lifts you up. Maybe it's a friend that stops by unexpectedly or calls, and in sharing with you they speak into your life. Sometimes it's a prophetic Word that is spoken over you. Sometimes it's a Word that I directly speak to you when you come into My Presence and be still. Sometimes you pick up the Word of God, My Word, My inspired Word that others, My scribes, have written, have written down the Words I've given them to write, and you come across a passage that speaks deeply into your heart. I rescue you when you turn to Me and call out to Me. That is My Promise. Be expecting Me to come, but know I come in many ways. Open you eyes, your ears, your heart and receive.