Don't Get Drawn into the Twister

Word for May 11th, 2022

When a twister goes through, a tornado, there are many warnings that it's coming. Some people will watch it coming across the land and they will be excited about the twister and go close to see what is going to happen. Others move away from the twister, for they already know the danger. Well when the twister goes through, then those who have protected themselves and moved away then can move ahead to help those that were hurt, that are traumatized. I want you to think about your life. In what ways do you get caught in the excitement of some type of 'twister' in life, circumstances going on in your life or lives of others? And out of excitement you are drawn into see and know. And you put yourself in danger, for you get caught in the turmoil instead of staying away. And when the drama is over, are you there to help others pick up the pieces, to speak healing and deliverance over My People that have become hurt? That's the position I want you in, not being drawn in with excitement of the drama, but to be there to lend a helping hand in the name of Jesus.


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