Word for January 27th, 2025

Be careful of the whirlpools.  There are many around.  Sometimes you find yourself going too close.  You are curious to see what the whirlpool is all about and you get sucked in.  So you ask, “What are the whirlpools?”  The whirlpools are anything in your life that draw you away from Me.  They lure you.  They seduce you.  Things of the world.  They seduce you and make you curious.  And then the more you are drawn into those whirlpools the more you are sucked in and under.  You must turn away from the things that you find curious.  That you find are pulling on your desires.  For they are of the world and they will overcome you.  So ask yourself, “What draws you away from Me?”  Be careful of the whirlpools.




Praise Me