Word for February 19th, 2023

Only control yourself.  Self-control, self-control in love.  That's very different than self-control out of fear.  You are meant to control all of you.  Your thoughts, your actions, controlling that to walk in the principles I have set out for My People.  So don't control yourself out of fear, for that's of the flesh.  Definitely don't control others, but pray for others.  Come alongside them.  Guide them on the same path of My Principles.  Check in with yourself.  What things are you doing out of a place of trying to control others?  Because you don't like what they do or you are affected by what they do.  It harms you.  If you're trying to control and manipulate a situation, that is all out of fear.  Use self-control from a place of love, loving Me.  Set that before you.


Tunnel Vision


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