Don't Be Afraid, Just Trust Me

Word for December 5th, 2021

Don't be afraid of what I Am going to speak to you. If you are afraid of Me speaking to you, you need to work on your trust of Me. Think back over your life to the times that you did follow what I called you to do and how I called you to do it. And even though there may have been some struggle in that, as you walked it out, you saw the life that was there. You saw wonders. Every time you've done that in the past, it has built your trust in Me, that I have only good things for you and that I walk alongside you. In All My Ways I walk alongside you. Remember, you have partnered with the Holy Spirit when you walk with Me. So don't be afraid when I speak to you. Don't be afraid that I'm going to speak to you. Just trust. Trust. Trust Me!


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