The Wayward Need My Voice

Word for December 17th, 2020

The wayward need My Voice. You are My Voice. As you listen to My Voice speaking to you, your Spirit recognizes Me. Listen closely to the Spirit in you, for My wayward need My Voice. You go forth in My Love to speak, to speak the Words that Spirit gives you to speak; not to speak on your own, but as the Spirit leads, and the only way you can do that is being led by the Spirit, walking with the Spirit, submitting, laying down your life for one another. Then, then you will hear Me. Then you reach out to the lost and bring them back, for they are full of hopelessness and despair. They have lost their way. Sometimes that has been because they have chosen a wrong path knowingly and sometimes it is because they didn't know. They were not counselled. They were not shepherded. So don't judge, lest you be judged. Instead, walk in Love, My everlasting Love for My People. Go to the wayward and help them return to the solid ground, to the place of Love, to Me. Guide them back to Me. They will know My Voice. Bring them back.


Keep Your Eyes and Ears on Me


Give Peace to One Another