I Freely Give My Wisdom to You
Word for August 14th, 2021
I give you wisdom when you ask, and then when you position yourself to receive the wisdom that you've asked for, I will always give you wisdom. I want you to be as wise as serpents and gentle as a lamb. Wisdom…when you ask for My wisdom, which I freely give to you, you have to be listening to hear the wisdom that I am giving to you as you go forward. So be careful that you just don't ask for the wisdom, even when you believe that when you ask you shall receive. So be careful that when you ask, knowing I will give you wisdom, that you keep listening for the wisdom and not get captivated by your own ideas, your own opinions, others ideas, their opinions, and you think the answer lies in that. It doesn't lie in that, however, My wisdom that you've ask for can speak through others. Be listening with your spiritual ears, with your spiritual heart. Be seeing with your spiritual eyes and the mind of Christ. It is a way to walk in your world. That's the positioning that you must be in to receive the wisdom that I freely give.