You become Distracted by your own Thinking - Come Think with Me
Word for April 30th, 2021
So quickly you can become distracted by your own thinking. You think and think and think and think. Well, I gave you a mind for thinking, but I gave you the mind so that you would think with Me. The Holy Spirit dwells within you. The Holy Spirit is there every moment of everyday to think with you. Not you thinking on your own. Thinking on your own like a spinning top, and then you run out and you crash and right then, then I hear you say, "God Help Me." And in that moment I can break through your thinking and I speak My Thought to you. But do you recognize it is My Thought? For the most part you do, but the mistake you make is you take that one thought and then you go back to your old way of think, think, think, think, think. Every experience needs to be thinking with Me, communing with Me. The Holy Spirit is there to help you. He knows My Thoughts. You Hear My Thoughts through Him. You will come to know the difference between thinking on your own, separate from Me, which I've told you not to do. I've told you you can do nothing in yourself and yet you continue to do this think, think, think. There is a quality of thinking with Me. So, I want you to start paying attention to that because you need to be able to recognize when your thoughts are My Thoughts and we are thinking together. And when they become your thoughts, you have just stepped away from Me when you do that. You are believing that you can think your way through something yourself and you cannot. Every good thing comes from Me, comes from walking with Me. Comes from walking on the precious path I have designed for you with the Holy Spirit, Who is there for you. So, pay attention. Learn to think with Me, to hold My Thoughts, to commune with Me. We are in a partnership. Today, embrace thinking with Me!