Get out of the Tunnels you have Created for yourself and Turn around and Come back onto the Path of Life I have Created for you

Word for April 20th, 2021


Get out of the tunnels you have created for yourself, the ways that you have dug down and you're trying to find your way in the dark. And you've even made special little rooms in your tunnel and you have stored up what you think are your treasures in there. And it is nothing. All of that work you have done building your tunnels, making your special rooms for all the things that you are hiding away. Even you invite other people down into your tunnels to celebrate what you believe you have found and you have gathered. It is all for not. I command you to turn around and get out of those tunnels and come into the Light and walk on the path that I have called you to walk - in the Light, in Joy, in Power, in My Love, surrounded with My Love! Joining with others that are on that path for there is Life, there is the True Riches, there is Freedom and it doesn't matter if there are challenges along that path. That doesn't matter. You are told to count it all Joy. So, get out of your tunnels. Get out of those tunnels you have created and come back to Me. Surrender those parts of yourself that are still tunnelling. Call those parts back by the Power of the Holy Spirit in you. Surrender! Close the door to those tunnels. Put a warning sign on those tunnels so that you will be reminded that you decided to not go back in.


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