Nothing is Happening
Have you said to yourself, “I’ve just been trying so hard and nothing seems to be happening.” Well maybe you should think that if you are…
Mind My Business
You have likely heard others say, or you’ve said yourself, “I’m just going along, minding my own business.” Well I would say to them and to you…
Listen to My Spirit
Not all the thundering and lightning that you hear and see is Me moving. It is the Spirit within you that will…
Walk The Path of Life
When I have spoken a direction for you to go, as you go, what you see seems to contradict the…
Run the Race
You say, "The winners are the ones who come in first!" I say the winners are…
I Have Given You Time
Time! I've given you, and will give you, enough Time to finish what I've called you to do. So the Time is…
In a Twinkling of an Eye
In a twinkling of an eye, My resounding voice will move through the heavens and earth. And My people will receive their glorified bodies and be…
Finish What You Start
When you start something, finish it. Don't leave it half undone. Many people are very eager to start something, but very quickly they…
Give Unconditionally
When you give unconditionally, you're in a position to not expect anything in return. When you give kindness unconditionally, you're not…
I Am the Light of the World
I Am the Light of the world. I Am the Light for the world. I Am the Light that dwells in you by…
Don't Give Up on Others
Don't give up on others. I don't give up on you and I don't give up on them. But you may need more wisdom on how to be with various people on their journey. You may be trying to make…
Go Out of Your Way to Help
Go out of your way to help another. Don't be selfish and ignore the…
The Right Time for the Right Voice
Your voice can emanate in many different ways. Your voice can give a shout of victory, a war cry, a love song, a word to…
Time to Be Heroic
The time is coming where I will be calling you to be heroic. To stand boldly. To speak boldly. To speak to government. To speak to sinners in a bold, urgent way. You will have to step into the…
Selective Hearing
It is good to have selective hearing. Especially when you are learning to hear My Voice in the midst of all the chattering voices around you. Many people's opinions. Many people's interpretations. Much is…
Don't Ignore Those Who are Falling
Don't ignore those who you see falling. Don't judge when you see others falling. Instead, under My…
Take Action
Don't be caught twiddling your thumbs when you are to be taking action. Others are depending on you. There are a lot of…
Integrate Me into You
Take precious time to integrate My Word into your heart. My Word through scripture, My Word speaking to you directly, your experiences of…
You Bring the Good News
You are observing many changes. Changes in the world. Changes physically in the landscape. Changes in the sky. Changes politically. Changes all around you. Let those...