Honour Anointed Teachers
Honour those who are anointed teachers used by Me to teach you. Honour them. For when you honour those who are…
Don't be Careless with My Word
Don't be careless with My Word. Many take My Word and twist it to have it sound…
Rise Up My People
I Am calling My People to arise. I've been doing that for many, many, many years. I'm calling them again to rise, shake off everything that…
The Trickle Down Effect
You've heard the saying, 'the trickle down effect.' Well I want to remind you that when you speak and have your being in Me and walk with Me with others…silently or in speech…you are providing a…
Words Words Words
Words, words, words…so many words being spoken now. You hear gentle words. You hear bold words. You hear nasty words. You even hear My scriptures being quoted, but they're being twisted. For the power behind them is not…
Be A Good Gardener
Be a good gardener. A good gardener knows when to plant, when to water, when to hoe, what flowers to put in direct sun or partial sun or shade. Everything you know about gardening is the same as it is for…
Don't Scrap My Plan
Don't scrap the plan, My Plan! Just because you get discouraged or it's taking a long time or you're not too sure of the steps or others aren't…
Cast Out Your Lure
Cast out your lure. I call you to be fishers of men. And just like you do in natural fishing, you cast out the lure, but you're also prepared. The rod is prepared. The line is prepared. You are led to a certain…
I Fill Your Mouth with My Words
When the time has come to speak boldly you will know, for you will feel your spirit move within you. Open your mouth and speak. For I fill your mouth with My Words and when you speak…
Have Compassion for Those Panicking
Have compassion for those who are caught in the wars and rumours of wars, earthquakes, fires, landslides. Have compassion upon them. Speak to them about…
Go and Speak My Truth
Speak My Truth into all the world. My Truth! Speak it, for when you speak it, it comes against the…
Be Still and Take Action
Be still and know that I Am God. I see you practicing that, but I also see that that needs to be in balance. There are times for you to…
There is Going to be Quickening
There is going to be a quickening, a quickening of the way My Power moves. So stay…
Step into the Deeper Waters
When you stand in the shallow waters, you know there are deeper waters, but you must step into the deeper waters. You must have faith and go. You might have to…
Time is Ticking By
Time. The great mystery of time. Time is ticking by. What are you doing with the…
Testify of My Life in You
When the time has come for My return, will you be ready? Are you watching and waiting? While you wait, are you doing what I have asked you to do? The timing of My return…
You are Unique
When you look at river rock you notice that each stone is unique in colouring, in shape. Each one is unique and together they create a…
Speak Me Out
My People are falling away. They're falling away rapidly. You need to speak out your…