Continue to Move Forward
Continue to move forward. Unless I ask you to change direction, continue to move forward. I want you to be watching for others that may be walking the same way. They may have the same ministry as you do, the same sense of…
Times to Walk Tentatively
There are times you may need to walk tentatively. Everything is not always as it appears. When you…
Skip Freely with No Hindrances
You've seen a child skipping along freely, exploring their body, jumping for joy. You've also seen a child trying to learn to skip with a skipping rope and it's a hindrance to them. Much skill is needed to…
No Need to Rush
When you rush about through your day, you miss so much beauty around you. You also miss the subtleties of the Holy Spirit speaking to you, for you are so caught in the…
Shake Off the Dust and Get Going
Shake off the dust and get going. Sitting around talking about what you're going to do, what I've asked you to do, how you're going to do it, and not doing it, is gathering dust on you. So much talk about it all. There needs to be…
Advice or Wise Counsel
Are you giving advice to others or are you giving wise counsel? The difference is, is when you're giving advice, people are drawn to you and it ends there. When you're giving wise counsel, they are…
Travel at the Speed I Call You to Travel
Travel at the speed I call you to travel. Sometimes you're caught going too fast. Sometimes you're caught going too slow. You will know when you're out of sync with My Timing, My Speed, My pace for you, when you do not have…
What is with the Rivalry?
What is with the rivalry? I didn't call you to compete one against another. If you believe you're doing My Work in the world, then when you compete against someone else, you're competing against Me. For it is…
Build on a Solid Foundation
You have learned that if you build something, it needs to be built on a solid foundation. That is so true in the natural and so true in the spiritual. What you are building needs to be built on the solid ground, on the solid foundation. That foundation is Me. Note that you can…
Every Action Causes A Reaction
Every action you take gives a reaction back. Every action causes a reaction. So what actions are you taking? If you're taking the actions directed by Me, then the reactions that happen are covered by Me. I will take care of the reaction. Sometimes you…
Be at Peace in the Turmoil
I Am teaching you how to be at peace in the turmoil. There is turmoil. There is lots of turmoil. But I Am raising up My People to be able to stand in the turmoil and be at peace. For you carry…
You Have Authority Over Hindrances
You have the authority, in the Name of Jesus, to remove every hindrance that is set before you. Now, know that sometimes you are the very one that's putting the hindrances in front of yourself. Sin, unforgiveness, not repenting, not turning away from your wicked ways, those become…
Be Active as a Light Bearer!
As the bearer of Light, My Light, you can be in the darkness and radiate Light there, for you are the bearer, a bearer of many carrying The Light. As a bearer of Light you can…
So Many Lies but You Know the Truth Speaker
So many lies surround you and yet you know Truth. For the Truth Speaker dwells in you. The Holy Spirit knows all Truth and Truth is in the Word. The scribed Word written for you, it is also…
What Race are You Running?
What race are you running? Are you running the 'rat race' or are you running the race I have set before you? So quickly you can get caught into the 'rat race' of…
Shout Amen Across the World
When My Church, My People, shout Amen, shout Amen, the sound travels across the earth. The Lion of Judah roars in your sound when you…
How are You Moving Today?
How are you moving today? Are you moving slowly or quickly? Are you turning in circles, going to the right and to the left? It doesn't matter what you're doing if you're the one who…
Let the Lion of Judah Roar Through You
Let the fierce Roar of the Lion of Judah rise up in you. Stir up your Spirit and when you hear the Roar of the Lion, the fierceness of the Words, let your voice…
Don't Tarry in Doing What I've Called You to Do
Don't tarry in doing what I've called you to do. There are things that I call you to walk in every day, to walk as My Son Jesus walked among you and in My Word, when you…
Don't Get Drawn into the Twister
When a twister goes through, a tornado, there are many warnings that it's coming. Some people will watch it coming across the land and they will be excited about the twister and go close to see what…