Ministry Carolyn Meyer Ministry Carolyn Meyer

Move From Your Humble Heart

When you have a humble heart, you're in a place where I can use you in Mighty Ways. For with a humble heart you stand before Me knowing that it is Me flowing through you that…

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Ministry Carolyn Meyer Ministry Carolyn Meyer

The Remnant are Rising

The remnant are rising. Are you rising up? I've called the remnant to rise, for the time is now to arise and take your full position where I have placed you. But you must…

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Ministry Carolyn Meyer Ministry Carolyn Meyer

Be Daring and Speak

Be daring! Be daring and speak to those things that you know are coming against My Righteous ones. Dare to speak against those things that are not according to My Word, My principles, My precepts. Speak to…

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Ministry Carolyn Meyer Ministry Carolyn Meyer

Don't Miss Those You Walk By

As you go through your day, you're missing those that you walk by. You are so focused on what it is you are about doing that you're missing opportunities to bless those that you walk by. Ask Me to give you a heart for those that you walk by, that you would be…

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Ministry Carolyn Meyer Ministry Carolyn Meyer

Let Your Light Shine

Let your Light shine. Remember the source of your Light, My Light within you. Let your Light shine. You may say to yourself, 'Oh that's too simple. What do you mean by…

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Ministry Carolyn Meyer Ministry Carolyn Meyer

Where are You Running Off To?

Where are you running off to, going hither and there? And you go as fast as you can and then you realize that you're getting nowhere, nowhere of importance. Keeping yourself busy, that's for sure, but…

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Ministry Carolyn Meyer Ministry Carolyn Meyer

Surrender Others Including Your Children to Me

Whatever level of maturity that you have come to in your relationship with Me and applying all that I've taught you as you walk day to day - that level of connecting with Me and knowing My Love for you and how I direct you, when you know that is when you can…

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Ministry Carolyn Meyer Ministry Carolyn Meyer

Use My Highlighter

The highlights of the day…you know when you're reading a book and you have a highlighter and you note particular important things as you're reading and sometimes you go back over that and all you need to do is look at the…

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Ministry Carolyn Meyer Ministry Carolyn Meyer

I Will Call You to Meet More Often

Be aware that there is going to be times where I call you to meet more often, sometimes with very concise focus and purpose. I want you to be listening for that. Stay on task. Stay focused. There is times for socializing, for walking along the path arm in arm and chatting about…

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Ministry Carolyn Meyer Ministry Carolyn Meyer

Skipping Stones

You know when you skip stones across the surface of the water? You know that you go and you find the right stone and it's polished and smoothed on both sides. You know you get the angle of your arm right and then you put as much power as you can into the moment to skip it across. And when…

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Ministry Carolyn Meyer Ministry Carolyn Meyer

Command that the Seas Part Before You

You're looking at the highway and it's not just a highway. It's a conglomeration of cars going this way and that way and this way and that way. And you're sitting in your car waiting for there to be a space for you go ahead. I tell you to…

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