The Way is Treacherous, Follow Me
The way is treacherous, and yet I say to you...and again I say to you, Fear Not for I Am! The Great I Am is with you!
The Son is Always Shining
Remember, the Son is always shining. The Son, S. O. N. is always shining. So when you see darkness, the Son is still shining.
You Have the Right Chemistry and It is Powerful
Have you got the right chemistry? Yes you do! You have the right chemistry to mix together things that cause a reaction that is powerful.
You have a Unique Flight Plan
I know that you have noticed all the different types of birds there are. You've notice that, and the beauty of the different colours. Each one is unique.
Chain Breaker
I Am the Chain Breaker! You are also Chain Breakers! I want you to rattle those chains.
Do Not Be Afraid to Speak or to Do in the Name of Jesus
Do not be afraid to speak what I give you to speak. When you're listening to the Spirit and you hear Me saying something to you to speak, do not be afraid.
I Have Given You Dominion Over All Things
As My Sons and Daughters, I have given you dominion over all things. That dominion does not mean you dominating, you tearing down things for your own benefit or for what you think is your own benefit.
Are you Available?
Are you available when the Holy Spirit nudges you, asking you, prompting you to take action?
What are You Waiting For?
What are you waiting for? WHAT are YOU waiting for? What are you waiting FOR? Stop waiting and take action! For there is much I've already told you to do.
Vision: Revival
When we worshipped together in Church Sunday morning, I saw this Vision unfold:
Each One of You have a Parachute
Each one of you have a parachute. The parachute is The Word, My Word given to you, My Word placed in your heart. But are you skilled in knowing how to use My Word?
Walk in Love
Wherever I call you to go, walk in Love. If you are not walking in Love, you are not walking with Me, for I Am all Love.
I Shout My Voice of Love Over You
I Shout over you! I'm Shouting over you! I'm Shouting over You! I Am Shouting My Love over you and in My Love is gentleness, in My Love is correction, in My Love is guidance.
When I Call Where Will You Be?
When I call, where will I find you? Where will you be? What will you be doing? When I call, I want you to be ready. I want you to be watching.
The Castaways are Lost at Sea
The castaways are floating out to sea and they are lost. Some know they are lost. Some have created a world around them to convince themselves that they're not lost, but those castaways know Me.
Stop Watch Listen Wait
Stop! Watch! Listen! Wait! Stop! Watch! Listen! Wait! Each one of those steps, My Children, are a supernatural 'way of being.' When I speak STOP to you, My Word in the Spirit lays ahold of you and you are stopped in your tracks.
Your Breath Spreads Seeds, Speak My Living Words to the World
When you speak, your breath carries seeds out from you into the world. What are you planting? What are you speaking? Are the seeds that come out of you life or death?
My Trailblazers are Needed in These New Times
Trailblazers are ones that rise up. They gather together all the things that they have learned about trailblazing in the past to prepare themselves, to remind themselves of what they learned and then they head out into a land that requires them to be a Trailblazer.
I Want Your Words to Be Weighty
I want your words, your words when you to speak, to be weighty. I don't want your words to weigh people down with criticism, judgement, imposing things upon them. That's not the weightiness I Am speaking about.
When You Look to the Day, Do You See it as Glorious and Full of Possibilities?
When you look to the day, do you see it as the day full of Glory and possibilities? Or when you think on the day coming up, do you start to stress yourself out, worry about individual tasks, wonder what you are to do?