Ministry Carolyn Meyer Ministry Carolyn Meyer

Some Things You Think are a Distraction are Not

I am pleased to see you turning away from distractions. I want you to know that when you are called to walk a certain way and explore something new in My Kingdom, that you very well may think that some of the practical aspects of that are a distraction.

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Ministry Carolyn Meyer Ministry Carolyn Meyer

Don't Tarry to Do Good

Don't tarry to do good. I have placed goodness within you. I have loved you. That goodness within you, I have placed there for you to give to others. For you to spill out My Goodness upon others. So don't tarry. Don't hold that back.

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Ministry Carolyn Meyer Ministry Carolyn Meyer

Remember Who You are in Me

Remember who you are. Remember! Remember who you are, who I say you are. For when you start to speak who you are your spirit stirs within you and rises up within you and you receive the strength, you embrace your authority and you are strong in Me.

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Ministry Carolyn Meyer Ministry Carolyn Meyer

Freely I Give to You

I give to you freely. Freely I give to you. Each day, each moment I am freely giving Myself to you. I have given you My Kingdom, for all I have is yours.

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Ministry Carolyn Meyer Ministry Carolyn Meyer

I Have Given You Holy Hands

I have given you Holy Hands. The Holy Hands that I have given to you, you raise up to Praise Me. Those Holy Hands, you use to reach out and touch others, to lay on hands, to call forth My Power within you to flow out and bring them what they need.

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Ministry Carolyn Meyer Ministry Carolyn Meyer

Ready, Set, Go

Ready, Set, Go! I want you Ready and Set to Go! Every morning get Ready. Just like you get ready for you day in the practical ways, I want you getting Ready to serve Me, to love Me, to be Me in the world.

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Ministry Carolyn Meyer Ministry Carolyn Meyer

Release My Fire

Don't touch the things of the world, for when you touch the things of the world you get burnt. Instead, be consumed by My Fire; by the Fire that dwells within you;

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