I Know You
Remember that I know you more than you know yourself. I hear all your thoughts, all your…
Be Not Afraid of what Lies Ahead
Don’t be afraid of whatever lies ahead. For if you are caught in fear, that fear is being…
Don’t be Afraid of the Darkness
I will give you sight in the darkness. So do not be afraid of the darkness that is…
When You Don’t See Results
When you don’t see results of the actions you are taking in My Name, have faith. Don’t become discouraged. For you don’t always…
Walk Triumphantly
Walk triumphantly, My People. Walk triumphantly, for I have already won the Victory for you! You must walk in…
These are Serious Times
My People, these are serious times and you need to take these times seriously. You need to…
Times to Tippy-Toe
You need to be wise and be able to tippy-toe around things of danger. Indeed, there are times when I call you to speak to the…
Don't Criticize
Criticizing births contempt. When you criticize yourself or others you are birthing contempt. You are…
Don't Look Back
When you are journeying ahead, following the path I've set before you, shining your light of the Word upon the path…don't look back! When you walk the path before you, you are...
Are You Terrified?
What are you terrified of? I don't want you terrified of anything. For I did not give you a spirit of fear. I gave you power and love and a well balanced, sound, disciplined…
Quick Answers
There are times you get caught in looking for quick answers. You know you need to understand something in your life and you're wanting a quick answer. So you turn to other people. You ask...
Don't underestimate the importance of self-control (two aspects of self-control). When you lose your self-control, you're harming others and you're harming yourself. You're creating a…
Don't 'Cry Wolf''
Don't 'cry wolf!' For when you 'cry wolf,' when there is no wolf, you are deceiving others. You're calling out for…
I Stand with You
I encourage you this day to stand, to make a stand. To stand, you must shake off weariness within you. Despair, helplessness, even..
Being triumphant is not a body stance of 'chest puffed out' and 'strutting along.' Being triumphant means to be strong in yourself, knowing who you are, knowing Who I Am and…
No Matter What
There are times in your life when you will feel that there is an onslaught of challenges happening to you or to those around you. But fear not, for the power within you, My Power, will deal with…
Time and Time Again
Time and time again I call you. I remind you to read My Word, the ancient scriptures. For there is so much for you to learn. There is so much the Spirit will reveal to you as you read. Time and time again I say…
Forgetting Your Old Ways
Forgetting your old ways requires you to turn away from your old ways. To keep walking away from your…