Harrowing Experiences

Word for November 4th, 2024

In life there will be harrowing experiences.  In those experiences you may feel utterly terrified.  You may feel like you are free-falling.  You may feel so confused that you cannot see your way.  There are many feelings that you can have in those harrowing experiences.  What I tell you to do is to take a hold of your thoughts, your emotions and speak.  Speak to them truth.  Because despite what is causing the harrowing experience for you, I Am with you.  You are My Child.  You have the power of the Holy Spirit within you.  Call on what you know, not what you are experiencing.  Because when you speak truth, then your mind will become focused on the truth.  Your emotions will move into a place of being still, for you know that I Am with you.  In those moments you will hear wisdom.  You will get the insight that you need.  You will know that you are not alone.  I will catch you.  I will guide you.  I will heal you.


Peace I Give to You


The Wide Path or the Narrow Path