Your Whispers I Hear from the Throne Room
Word for March 23rd, 2020
Your whispers I hear, My Children. When you breathe your whispers to Me, I hear. In the night when you call out to Me with hearts turned to Me, I hear. Fancy words are not necessary. Fancy words that sound powerful, but are not from the heart fall down. Words from your heart go forth to My throne room. It isn’t that the prayers according to My Word are not important, but what gives them flight is when they flow from the heart and the Holy Spirit within you. Lean upon Me. Turn your heart towards Me. Remember, My Son left you so He could send the Holy Spirit to live in you, to guide you, to empower your words that I speak through you into Our World. You are needed in this time. Breathe Me into the nation. Be Me to the nation. My nations are all around you. Each one of you is a part of My nation. Do your part and remember, I empower your words, your actions. You are my breath, My hands and feet on the earth, My eyes of compassion. I am the way, the truth and the life. There is no other way. Embrace My Son. Call out to Me and listen to the Holy Spirit. We have place in you. He speaks all of Who We are to you, and reminds you of all. Turn, listen and breathe Us in.