Inspired Message and Word: Are You Looking for Peace and Joy?
Word for December 24th, 2021
Inspired Message and Word
Are you looking for something, but you can't find it? What are you looking for? What is the meaning in what you're looking for? Are you looking for Peace? Are looking for Joy? Are you looking for Strength? Sometimes we look in all the wrong places for the very thing that we desire. But the first step is always to know what we're looking for, to recognize if we don't have Peace, if we don't have Joy. Then if we don't have, then we need to believe that we can receive and then we have to look. How do we receive? We look in the Word of God and it says it's already ours. Peace I give unto you. Joy I give unto you. All the blessings I've given to you. Are you looking, looking in the Word of God, looking away from things that do not bring you Peace and Joy? Turning to look to the One that can give you that Peace and Joy, has already given you that Peace and Joy, beckons you to come and receive the Peace and Joy.
Come, receive My Peace and Joy. I have already given it to you. Take it for yourself. Look in the right places. Recognize in yourself when you don't have that Peace and Joy within you, and remember, I Am here. I give it to you. Receive it. Receive it, My Children. Peace and Joy is here. May you receive it.