Keep Your Eyes and Ears on Me

Word for December 18th, 2020

Keep your eyes on Me. Keep your ears open to hear Me. For when you do that, keeping your eyes on Me and keeping your ears listening to Me, I fill you up. You see Me more clearly. You hear Me more clearly. You are being filled so then the rivers of life, the rivers of Me flow out when you speak. Whatever you set your eyes upon, your ears upon, will flow out from you. You need to be flowing Me out of you. If you keep your eyes focused on the world and the worldly things, by what you are seeing and hearing, that is what you will speak. So how much time are you spending seeing Me, hearing Me, to be filled by Me? Because that is life. That is life for you and it's life for others. So turn back to Me. Look at what you are spending your time on. Turn back to Me because that is the only place there is life. You use the phrase, "Eyes on the prize. Keep your eyes on the prize." Well Yes, there is a prize when we will all be together in heaven, but there is a prize that you receive NOW when you keep your eyes and ears upon Me and speak Me into the world. That is heaven on earth! You are opening the doors for heaven to come to earth! You are walking in the heaven on earth. Those prizes, those riches, I give to you NOW. Those are what I am giving to you so that you can offer to the world. Then they too will know Who I am. So as you keep your eyes and ears upon Me, as you gather with your Brothers and Sisters who have set their intent to do the same thing - now you can support each other, remind each other, encourage each other, learn from one another 'cause as I have taught each of you, you have that gift to give to each other. That builds you together. So be careful who you hang around with. Not everybody can encourage you like that because they are not choosing to keep their eyes and ears on Me. You will be influenced by whoever you are with. So be watchful. Be watchful. You have a choice to make. Choose Me. Choose Me. Go forth My Children. I love you. I am always with you. Every time you choose Me, I am right there. I am right there with every choice that you make and when you choose Me, ahhh, I bless you. I show favour upon you. You experience My love 'cause it's all Love. I am all Love. I am ALL you need.


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