Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
Don’t Take Advantage of Others
Don’t take advantage of others to meet your purposes, to meet what you want, what you desire, what you think you deserve. Don’t use…
Feed Yourself Well
Are you feeding yourself well? Not just your physical body, but your soul. Feed your soul My Word. Be with others who are…
Straddling the Line
Don’t be straddling the line. The line that is between the world and Me. Don’t have one foot on one side of the line and the…
Digging in Your Heels
Don’t be stubborn and dig in your heels, for you will be at risk of being dragged along one way or…
A Canopy of Angels
There is a canopy of Angels over you and over every one of My People. So be not…
Don’t Hide Out (Copy)
Washing your hands and feet before coming before Me is a symbolic reference to repenting and asking forgiveness. To search your heart and ask forgiveness for what you have…
Actors Wearing Masks
There are actors in your life. Those who put on masks, thinking they’re protecting themselves. Out of insecurity they wear masks. And then there are those who…
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