Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
I Am for You
When others come against you, respond with mercy. For you know that others may be…
Nothing is Happening
Have you said to yourself, “I’ve just been trying so hard and nothing seems to be happening.” Well maybe you should think that if you are…
Mind My Business
You have likely heard others say, or you’ve said yourself, “I’m just going along, minding my own business.” Well I would say to them and to you…
Listen to My Spirit
Not all the thundering and lightning that you hear and see is Me moving. It is the Spirit within you that will…
Walk The Path of Life
When I have spoken a direction for you to go, as you go, what you see seems to contradict the…
Be a Sleuth
Be a wise sleuth. For in these times much is going on, that you need to discover what is…
Run the Race
You say, "The winners are the ones who come in first!" I say the winners are…
The Stakes are High
The stakes are high! Life or death. Living for Me or not living for Me. Even when you…
In the Twilight of Your Life
In the twilight of your life, there is still much to unfold in your ministry. For as you age, if you have been serving Me and walking with Me for…
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