Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
I Have Given You Time
Time! I've given you, and will give you, enough Time to finish what I've called you to do. So the Time is…
Words are Powerful
Words are powerful. You can use your words to lift someone up or to tear them down. You can use your words to…
In a Twinkling of an Eye
In a twinkling of an eye, My resounding voice will move through the heavens and earth. And My people will receive their glorified bodies and be…
Finish What You Start
When you start something, finish it. Don't leave it half undone. Many people are very eager to start something, but very quickly they…
Do My Business
So many, many people are talking about the end times. What it means, what it doesn't mean, when is it going to happen? Why hasn't it…
Give Unconditionally
When you give unconditionally, you're in a position to not expect anything in return. When you give kindness unconditionally, you're not…
I Am the Light of the World
I Am the Light of the world. I Am the Light for the world. I Am the Light that dwells in you by…
Don't Give Up on Others
Don't give up on others. I don't give up on you and I don't give up on them. But you may need more wisdom on how to be with various people on their journey. You may be trying to make…
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