Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
Peace I Give to You
You see the wars and hatred around you, but I call you today to look at what still exists within you...things that you are warring about inside yourself, in your mind, in your emotions, and bring…
When You Become Disappointed
When you become disappointed in another's behaviour or lack of behaviour, know that you are judging them when you need to forgive them. If you first forgive then I can speak to your open heart and give you direction of what to do in any…
If You Humble Yourself
If you humble yourself, you will hear Me. If you humble yourself and not seek after what you want, but what I want, you will know…
All Fall Short
All fall short of the Glory of God. It is when you recognize that you have fallen short, that you have sinned in some way and then you are convicted of that sin in being…the way you have behaved…then turn and repent. When you repent you are…
Forgiveness is Not for the Faint of Heart
Forgiveness is not for the faint of heart. For it requires a loving, strong heart to submit to Me and ask for Me to show you the things that you need to…
When you ask Me to forgive you, come to Me humbly with a repentant heart to truly want to…
Be Merciful and Forgive
Maybe you wonder why I keep bringing up the topic of forgiveness. Well the reason is because often you don't forgive. Often you don't…
Let Go of Petty Things
It is time to put away petty grievances, petty issues you have with others, offences that you're carrying. It's time to put that aside. Deal with it. For when you are…
Don't Waylay in Forgiving
Don't waylay in forgiving, for the longer you wait to forgive, the less peace that you have, the less joy that you have. Because forgiveness is required to…
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