Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
Truly Forgive One Another
Be quick to forgive, but know that the act of forgiveness is not necessarily a quick thing. You would like it to be. I hear you saying, "Oh, I forgive you." Well, those can just be words unless you have…
Humble Yourself Before Me
When you're face down, the best way to be face down is before Me. Humbled before Me and not face down because you've crashed and fallen. Remember…
You are Accountable for Your Actions
You are accountable before Me for your actions. You come to Me and you receive Me speaking to you about what you have done and how you have done it. Yes, that is between you and I. But whatever actions you…
Lay Down Your Guilt and Shame
Why do you still carry some guilt and shame? Some of you carry more guilt and shame than others. Do you not remember that I sent My Precious Son as a gift to you so that you could…
Forgiveness is Not the Icing on the Cake
Forgiveness is not something to be taken lightly. Oh, it is so far from something to be taken lightly. It is easy to say the words, "I forgive you," but do you really forgive? Forgiveness is not…
Resentment Leads to Bitterness
Resentment leads to bitterness, but remember that resentment started with anger. Be careful about being angry. Holy anger leads to spiritual action when I tell you what to do.
Even if You have Intentionally Turned Away from Me, Just Call on My Name and I Will Bring You Back
When you fail to follow My Ways, you will find yourself in treacherous places, being blinded, not knowing whether to turn to the right or to the left.
The Wages of Sin is Death
The wages of sin is death. You don't want death. You don't want to be walking the path of death. So I remind you, the wages of sin is death.
Let Me Do More of My Work in You
My Sons and Daughters, I have heard. I always hear you. I hear beyond the words that you speak, for I know your heart.
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