Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
So Many Voices
So many voices you hear. Some are your own inner voices, pulling you this way and that way. Voices that are speaking from your desires, not from…
Chastising someone is evil. It is the work of evil…someone taking power over another and…
Remember Me
It is good to remember Who I Am to you. To look back over time and see the pattern that has unfolded in your life. That has been Me working for…
Self-control, as you know, is one of the fruit of the Spirit. As you are transformed into the likeness of Christ, that fruit grows. Self-control is…
Transformation doesn’t come instantaneously. It is a work in progress. You are being transformed into the likeness of Christ when you choose…
Oftentimes, daily, you have to make adjustments. For the Holy Spirit will indicate to you when you're going a little bit off course. If you are sensitive to...
There are many challenges in life. Indeed, many, many challenges. How you face them and walk through them will make a difference as to the...
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