Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
My Light is in the Darkness
When you feel yourself in the dark, do not panic. For I promise you that I Am with you in all things. So when you panic when you're...
Being Overwhelmed
Do you find yourself becoming overwhelmed? Not being able to think straight to sort things out? Feeling like there’s so many responsibilities that you have? That it's just too...
In Life and in Death I Am with You
In life and in death, I Am with you. I Am with you always. I will take your hand and call you into eternity with Me when...
I Made This Day
Stop trying to figure out the future. Instead, believe that the future is in My Hands. Turn and be…
Come Quickly
Come into My Presence quickly...quickly...quickly! Do not let things delay you. Things you think are…
Step Back to get Perspective
Sometimes you just need to step back to get perspective. You get so focused on…
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