Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
All of the Heavens Wait on You
All of the heavens are waiting and watching. Waiting and watching for My People to rise and stand and walk boldly where I've called them to go. To come together in…
Develop and Work Together
Develop your talents that I have given you. Develop your character and grow in the likeness of Christ. And be open to the gifts of the Spirit that I give as I…
Be in Harmony with Each Other
Go out in the meadows...the meadows and observe all the different species of flowers. And look around the meadow and see all the different species of trees. And pause and accept that they are…
Lock Arms Together
Lock arms with one another and walk together forward, for there is great strength in all walking forward together. Arms locked. Power in that. And should things…
There is a lot of Trickery
There's a lot of trickery going on in these times. Don't be a part of that. Don't associate yourself with others who are…
United You Stand Divided You Fall
Together you stand! Divided you fall! Do everything within your power, in My Name, to remain in one accord with one another. Division needs to be addressed. Do your side to repair division. First, search your…
Encourage One Another
Give an encouraging word to one another. That doesn't mean you ignore the challenges. It means, see the challenges for what they are and…
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