Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
There is Your Time and My Time
There is My Time and there is your time. Orchestrate your day around your time, but your life around My Time. For it is My…
There is wonder in life, wonder in living...living the life I've given you. When you look through a kaleidoscope and it is just still, you see a lot of pieces. You look at them, examine the shapes, but it's not until you start to…
Shake a Leg!
Shake a leg! Shake a leg if you've fallen behind. Now's the time. Shake a leg. If you've gone sideways, then set your compass back on…
Prepare for the Unexpected
Expect the unexpected. Prepare for the unexpected, but do not just prepare alone. Yes, you need to prepare yourself in Word and in prayer and in deep walking with Me, but you must…
Encourage One Another
Encourage one another. When you come alongside each other and lift each other up, encouraging each other to run the race, know that the Heavenly Hosts are also cheering you on. Know that…
Many are Scrambled
Many of you are scrambled. You're scrambled because you are listening to so much that does not line up with the True Word. Even many of your religious leaders are giving you scrambled words. They have taken My…
Don't Be Afraid to Share Your Heart
When you come together in the name of Jesus, don't be afraid to share your heart with one another. Notice I said 'sharing your heart,' not just your mind, your thoughts, your ideas, but share your heart, for I…
Come Together, Be Humble and Seek Me
When I graciously open your eyes to see, remember I'm only opening you to see a part. That part that I give to you is sacred for you to hold, for your to lift up, for you to walk in. But walk humbly knowing that what I…
Don't Show Favouritism
Don't show favouritism, for when you do you are undermining who I have created all My Children to be…in My Likeness, equal in My Sight. So when you…